ISIMIP3a Flow direction River routing data replaced #28


Iliusi Vega del Valle reported on Nov. 14, 2022.
The ISIMIP3a Flow direction (flowdir) River routing input data will be replaced.

In the framework of the first model intercomparison project (Haddeland et al., 2011), the DDM30 was remapped to the CRU land-ocean mask. The new appearing grid cells had been indicated by a “9” in the flow direction, a constant slope and a basin number. However, the special treating of the new cells resulted in unexpected side-effects. Those data have now been retracted.

During the WaterGAP adaptation of the land-ocean mask, all “9” values were reassigned to “0” (outflow to the Oceans) as those cells are exclusively located at the coasts. Furthermore, it can be of interest for some assessments (Wang et al., 2018) to differentiate between inland sinks and cells draining to the Oceans (both originally assigned by a “0”). Inland sinks are now indicated with a "-1". This information is available from the WaterGAP model.

For further information about this data set, contact Hannes Müller Schmied.


Please use the replaced datasets for new simulations or research.

Severity high

Status resolved

before 20221115
Data product
Input Data
Input category
Static geographic information
ISIMIP coordination team <>
Input subcategory
River routing
Simulation round

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