ISIMIP3b: H08 (water global) retraction of all data #38


Matthias Büchner reported on April 24, 2023.
Several errors have been identified and are listed below. Due to the variety of errors, we are withdrawing all files for clarity and replacing them with correct files to ensure the highest consistency. New versions for historical and future periods will be uploaded to DKRZ shortly and then quality controlled. The corrected data will be available to the public shortly.

Period: Pre-industrial
- no issues

Period: Historical
- All the experiments using the “historical” forcing were wrong (actually only 1850-1860 were wrong. Usable for 1880-2014).
- All the experiments using the IPSL pi-control forcing were wrong (outdated climate inputs)
- The historical_2015soc, pi-control_histsoc and pi-control_2015soc experiment for MRI was wrong (it includes NaN; no issues found for other GCMs)
- The pi-control_1850soc experiment for all GCMs were wrong (2015soc was used by mistake)

Period: Future
- All the experiments using ssp370 forcing excluding MPI were wrong (outdated climate inputs)
- All the experiments using “1850soc” were wrong (2015soc was used by mistake)
- All the experiments using IPSL pi-control forcing were wrong (outdated climate inputs)


Please use the replaced datasets for new simulations or research.

Severity high

Status resolved

before 20230424
Impact model
Data product
Output Data
Simulation round

Affected datasets

There are 1100 datasets affected by this issue. Here we only display the first 100 datasets. You can download a complete list of all the datasets, or files affected by this issue as JSON. Alternatively, can also download a list the files as a flat file suitable for Wget. You can use the search interface to further restrict your query.