ISIMIP3a: JULES-W2 last time step is missing or duplicated #47


Matthias Büchner reported on Dec. 7, 2023.
For all time series, whether daily or monthly, the last time step is only filled with NaN (ISIMIP3a) or a duplicate of the second last time step (ISIMIP3b). Both JULES-W2 and JULES-W2-DDM30 appear to be affected. The modeling team has been informed and we are waiting for a solution. Until clarification please avoid using this data set.
Aristeidis Koutroulis commented on Dec. 8, 2023.
A limitation of the model is that it cannot generate output for the final timestep of the simulation. To address this and avoid an empty final timestep, the second-to-last timestep was duplicated and used as the last timestep.


Affected datasets should not be used until this issue is resolved.

Severity low

Status new

before 20231207
Impact model
Data product
Output Data
Simulation round

Affected datasets

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