ISIMIP3b: IPSL-CM6A-LR driven DBPM and ZooMSS data on wrong grid #59


Matthias Büchner reported on April 17, 2024.
Both models were initially driven with outdated IPSL-CM6A-LR input data, which was affected by a 0.5° grid offset (W180-179°E). In consultation with the sector, it was decided to take the simple approach of also shifting the results by half a degree to the east in order to match the other ocean data grid definitions.

Updated versions will become available soon.
Matthias Büchner commented on April 26, 2024.
The issue has been resolved and an updated version has been released today. Please note that the new version of the dataset may not exactly match the land-sea mask of the currently released IPSL-CM6A-LR ocean climate data, as the results are based on an earlier version of the input data that introduced the shifted grid in the first place. Nevertheless, it was based on the same method of remapping.


Please use the replaced datasets for new simulations or research.

Severity low

Status resolved

before 20240416
Impact model
Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems (global)
Climate forcing
Simulation round

Affected datasets

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